Computes CDF, PDF and simulations of the bivariate Frank copula.
cBivariateFrank(u1, u2, dependencyParameter, ...)
cdBivariateFrank(u1, u2, dependencyParameter, ...)
crBivariateFrank(numberSimulations = 10000, seed = 42, dependencyParameter)
points at which to evaluate the copula.
correlation parameter.
other parameters.
Number of simulations.
Simulation seed, 42 by default.
Function :
returns the value of the copula.
returns the value of the density function associated to the copula.
returns simulated values of the copula.
The bivariate Frank copula has CDF :
cBivariateFrank(u1 = .76, u2 = 0.4, dependencyParameter = 0.4)
#> [1] 0.312676
cdBivariateFrank(u1 = .76, u2 = 0.4, dependencyParameter = 0.4)
#> [1] 0.9796921
crBivariateFrank(numberSimulations = 10, seed = 42, dependencyParameter = 0.2)
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 0.07781765 0.51733787
#> [2,] 0.23268617 0.50502013
#> [3,] 0.69286870 0.05956293
#> [4,] 0.15608423 0.72494306
#> [5,] 0.33572568 0.51276550
#> [6,] 0.45604514 0.05466536
#> [7,] 0.24463017 0.01977344
#> [8,] 0.85310143 0.87160266
#> [9,] 0.32096890 0.50002377
#> [10,] 0.27472442 0.41526784